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Friday, April 20, 2012

Australian Brush Turkey – Long Island, North Queensland

One bird often seen in parks and gardens, in the wild and around tourist resorts in North Queensland is the Australian Brush Turkey.  This mound building bird has made a comeback over the past 30 years or so after a decline in numbers through habitat loss and, in the early years of settlement, because they provided a reliable and easy-to-catch source of protein.  Today the bird makes its home not only in rainforest and along scrubby creek margins but also is found in the inner city suburbs of Brisbane. Although the Brush Turkey is the largest of the mound builders, it is the scrub fowl (see Just Claire Wood blog 8 April, 2012), the smallest of Australia’s mound builders that builds the largest mound.
For more information about Australian Brush Turkeys go to Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland website  or  Birds In Backyards website 

Claire Wood
Just Claire Wood
20 April 2012

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